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Many people are drawn to the idea of creating a custom engagement ring and it’s easy to see why. Designing your own engagement ring allows you to create something that’s as unique as your love. When you create a custom engagement ring, you can control every detail of your design and create a personalized, one-of-a-kind ring that will be treasured now and for decades to come.

Often, people like the idea of creating a custom engagement ring, but worry that it will be too hard or too expensive. However, creating a custom engagement ring is much easier than most people think it is, since it’s your jeweler who will be doing most of the work. And creating a custom ring doesn’t have to be exorbitantly expensive. When you have a custom piece of jewelry made, you control every element of your design, which means you can choose how expensive or budget-friendly your ring will be.

So, creating a custom engagement ring is fairly simple and straightforward-- and it can be even easier if you understand some basic information about creating your ring. To help you get prepared for the process, we’re going over everything you should know before you create a custom engagement ring. Below, we’ll go over how you can prepare to create your design and share some helpful tips on creating a custom engagement ring.

Preparing to Create Your Custom Engagement Ring

Before you head to a custom engagement ring design appointment, you should think about what you want for your ring (and what your partner may want for the ring). You don’t have to come up with your exact engagement ring design before your appointment, of course, since your jeweler will help you create your design. But it’s a good idea to do at least some research on engagement ring styles before your appointment, as this will give you a better understanding of what you do and do not want for your ring.

There are three main elements that you’ll need to decide on when creating your custom engagement ring: your center stone, your setting style, and your precious metal.

Your Center Stone

Your center stone is the gemstone that rests at the heart of your engagement ring. The most common choice for an engagement ring center stone is a round brilliant cut white diamond. This is an excellent and classic option, but it’s far from your only option. Even within the white diamond category, you have many alternatives, since you could also select a center diamond with a fancy shape. Fancy shaped diamonds like princess cut, oval shaped, cushion cut, or marquise cut diamonds are beautiful center stone options that can add a distinctive look to a diamond ring. Then, you also don’t have to choose a white diamond. You could select a colored diamond or a gemstone, such as a yellow diamond, a pink diamond, a morganite, a blue sapphire, a ruby, and so on.

Before you head into your custom engagement ring design appointment, think about what type of center stone you want, as well as what shape you want for your diamond or gemstone.

Your Setting Style

Your engagement ring setting is the metal frame that holds your center stone in place. There are countless engagement ring setting styles, so be sure to browse around and think about which style categories you gravitate toward. Do you like traditional styles, like solitaires or three stone styles? Do you like ornate styles with engravings and/or plenty of pavé diamonds? Would you prefer a style with a sleek bezel setting or one with a classic prong setting? Spend some time browsing engagement ring settings so that you can narrow in on which styles (or elements of styles) could be right for your perfect ring.

Your Precious Metal

When you create a custom engagement ring, you can have your design made in any precious metal. Typically, people go with one of four precious metals for their engagement ring: yellow gold, white gold, rose gold, or platinum.

This is one element of your engagement ring that you may not have to do much thinking about, since your partner may already have a precious metal preference. If your soon-to-be fiance wears one precious metal far more than others, you should select that precious metal for the ring. If your significant other doesn’t have a clear precious metal preference, you can instead choose your precious metal based on how it affects your ring’s style.

Tips on Creating a Custom Engagement Ring

Set Your Budget

Before you start the custom creation process, set your budget. Come up with a maximum spend amount, then share that with your jeweler before you start designing your ring. Coming up with a budget early will help you and your jeweler understand your design options, so you can find options you love that are also within your budget.

Start Early

Creating a custom engagement ring takes time, so be sure to start the design process well before your planned proposal date. You need time to research engagement rings on your own, to collaborate with your jeweler to create your design, and then to wait for your ring to be made. Creating a custom ring can take anywhere from a few weeks to over two months, so give yourself plenty of breathing room to avoid feeling the stress of a time crunch.

Choose Your Jeweler Thoughtfully

You should choose the jeweler that will create your custom engagement ring with care. First and foremost, you should make sure that the jeweler you work with has experience creating custom engagement rings. Engagement rings are meant to be worn for a lifetime, so they need to be made by expert hands. A jeweler that has experience creating custom engagement rings will understand how your ring needs to be designed and crafted in order for it to stand the test of time.

In addition to finding a jeweler that has extensive experience creating custom bridal jewelry, you should make sure you choose a jeweler that you connect with. At your initial design appointment, you should feel that your jeweler understands what you’re looking for and is there to help you achieve it. Finding a jeweler that’s on the same page as you will make the design process (and your final ring!) so much better.

Think About Your Bridal Set

It’s often a good idea to make a custom wedding band alongside your custom engagement ring. While you certainly can just create your engagement ring first and then consider your wedding rings later, creating a wedding ring at the same time can make your bridal jewelry shopping experience quite a bit easier. This is especially true if you’ll be creating a unique engagement ring with a more unusual silhouette, which may require a custom wedding band to get a flush fit.

Whether or not you should simultaneously create your engagement ring and wedding band ultimately comes down to personal preference. Some people like having their bridal set all taken care of before their proposal, while other people may want to wait to make decisions on their wedding rings. Just think about what would be right for you and your soon-to-be-fiance.

Enjoy the Process

Our last tip is perhaps the most important of all: remember to enjoy the process. Designing your own engagement ring is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that should be memorable and fun. If you ever feel stressed during the process, try to take a step back and think about why you’re creating your ring. Also, remember that you can always turn to your jeweler for help and guidance. Your jeweler is there to guide you and help you make the best choices, so communicate with your jeweler if you ever feel overwhelmed.

Final Thoughts

This concludes our guide to creating a custom engagement ring! We hope this information has been helpful to those who are starting their custom design journey.

If you have any questions about our custom engagement ring design services, please don’t hesitate to reach out . We’d be happy to answer your questions about our design process, what types of rings we can create, or whatever else you may be curious about. Or, if you already know you’re ready to create your custom engagement ring or wedding band, make an appointment at our Los Angeles jewelry showroom today. Our expert jewelry designers and craftsmen would love to help you make your dream ring into a reality.

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